Unique in design, and one of the kindest bits available, the Myler’s Combination Bit is a hybrid of a ring bit and a shank bit, with some hackamore influences, although it is important to note that t he Myler Combination Bit is not a hackamore nor a hackamore combination. The fit of both the noseband and jaw strap is higher, with the noseband set above the nostrils (like a Cavesson) , so it cannot restrict the horse’s airway. The noseband a nd jaw strap are fitted snugly, but not tight, against the horse’s face, so the action of the bit is smooth and efficient.
The lightweight mouthpiece on the Myler Combination Bit slides freely on the centre ring until the degree of shank rotation brings i t up against the ring stop. The noseband and jaw strap are linked together and run through two small offset rings on the purchase. Action Utilising various pressure points, Myler Combination Bits offer simultaneous interaction of the mouthpiece, jaw stra p and noseband. When rein pressure is applied, the Myler Combination Bit exerts pressure on the horse’s nose, poll and jaw (ie only 33% of the total in each area.) If the rider continues to apply rein pressure, the mouthpiece will meet the ‘stop’ on the ring and start to engage, whereupon the total pressure applied by the rider will be dispersed over 5 areas – the nose, poll, jaw, tongue and bars (ie 20% in each.) The pressure exerted on the horse’s nose, jaw and poll are extremely effective at gettin g the horse to relax at the poll ; “roll over from the withers” ; & move in a rounded outline.
Mouthpieces Myler Combination Bits are available with all levels of mouthpieces, from Comfort Snaffles to Ported Barrels. Because all pressure areas engage and r elease at the same time, the horse is offered a pressure - free reward whenever he is light and relaxed at the poll, (providing, of course, that the rider relaxes his hand.) This makes the Myler Combination an excellent training tool, for horses ranging fro m youngsters to well - schooled campaigners. All Myler Combination Bit mouthpieces are made from Sweet Iron which will corrode gradually over time giving a sweet taste that will encourage salivation .
The Myler Combination Bit is particularly suitable as the first bit for a young horse or pony, which will be used to head pressure signals from being led in a head collar. It can also be a great bit for horses who are very nervous in the mouth; ex - racehorses who have been trained to “run into their mouths” and are reluctant to come into a schooled - horse outline; and older horses who think they know it all and will benefit from a very different feel in the communication they receive from the rider. Many professional event riders find the Myler Combination in valuable to get the horse relaxed and going as softly as possible and working well off the other aids , before they replace it with a permitted bit for their dressage test