Designed by an Eventer for Eventers, Woof Wear’s Event Glove gives great grip and keeps you cool under pressure.
The Reintex® Palm gives optimum feel and grip you can count on come rain, shine, or sweaty neck.
Reintex® is a Japanese designed microfibre material which has been selected by Woof Wear for it’s superior properties which makes it especially suitable for riding gloves.
Light and Strong - The microfibres are more than 100 times thinner than silk thread and (weight for weight) have a greater tear strength than leather. This means that Reintex® can be thinner than leather without compromising durability.
Superb grip and feel - The slender microfibres give a comfortable and soft feel but also provide a fantastic grip as on a micro level a much greater surface area is in contact with the rein.
Breathable - Minute holes in the Reintex® allow water vapour to pass through keeping your hands free from perspiration.
Water Repellent - Water drops are too large to pass through the fabric and will simply slide off.
Stretch - The manufacturing process enables the fabric to have enough stretch to fit snugly without compromising grip